Day 11

Winding down now, only a days or two of filming left. We’re taking a break from production for a few weeks due to scheduling conflicts – will get back on the horse at the end of the month to finish out the remainder of Season One.

Next step – post!

Day 7 & 8

Stopped back down at USC to film a few quick pickups, then back up to the valley for some alleyway convos and nighttime car dialogue! Spirits are up now that we’ve passed the halfway mark on our shooting schedule – the finish line draws closer! We all can’t wait to see the finished product.

Day 4

Today was the first day we officially wrapped ahead of schedule. Such a great feeling. We were flying! Precise, collected, and pragmatic. It was 105 degrees in the valley while we were filming. Thank God the location had air conditioning. I’ll tell you, this has been one of the hottest shoots we’ve ever done. Summer in LA, I guess!


Day 3

One location days are the best days! No company moves, no worrying about traffic and travel time. Day 3 was solid, we shot right in Hollywood not far from the Chinese Theater. We also had our co-star baby Zhia on set which was a blast. She was incredibly cute, and a very happy baby. Pics below:


“Some People Wish for It…” Teaser


“Exchange” Teaser


“South Central” Teaser
